This celebrity-obsessed con artist was married ten times. Was her famous final husband her killer?
The aspiring actress who came to a gruesome end. Her case remains officially unsolved.
The notorious main suspect in the axe murders of her father and stepmother. Who else could be the culprit?
Were the murders that terrified the city of Boston for 18 months the work of more than one man?
Mild-mannered next door neighbor, or something else?
The most infamous serial killer in American history; we may never know how many lives he took.
This lovely high school graduate disappeared in Aruba in 2005. Will we ever know what happened to her?
The most infamous serial killer in British history remains unidentified to this day.
These two wealthy law students believed they were superior to others and entitled to kill.
On the day he was executed, the man convicted of the kidnapping still proclaimed his innocence.
A New Orleans mob ran her out of town when they discovered how she treated her slaves behind closed doors.
The '60s had a dark side. Charles Manson and his "family" were Exhibit A.
These Beverly Hills brothers went on a lavish spending spree after their parents were shotgunned to death.
His wife and child's disappearae caught the nation's attention. Their discovery landed him the death sentence.
The coroner's report said this child beauty queen's cause of death was asphyxia by strangulation.
He was convicted of the 1954 murder of his wife. The case was controversial from the start.
Every reasonable person in the country is convinced this man killed two people.
She drowned her sons, then made tearful pleas for their safe return on national television.
In the mid-1950s, he began a relationship with a famous actress. It soon turned abusive and violent.
This brilliant mathematician turned his back on Academia to become a recluse and a terrorist.
America's "Jack the Ripper" spread terror in Northern California in the late '60s and early '70s.